suur sirmik

seente abc M

suur sirmik (Macrolepiota procera)


Sirmikut tarvitatakse kupatamatult. Seene liha on valge, õrn ja mahlane.


Sirmikut võib tarvitada praetult ja hautatult koos köögiviljadega ja shnitslina.




Suurt sirmikut tunneme kui väga head söögiseent ja teda võib kõigile ainult soovitada. Ka safransirmikut on harjutud sama heaks pidama. Safransirmikud, mis pärinevad metsast, seda ongi, kuid aias kasvavatega tuleb olla ettevaatlik. Safransirmiku aedteisend on mürgine. Safransirmiku tüüpteisendist erineb see tumedama kübara, mugulja jalaaluse ja tugevama lehterja rõnga poolest. Seni on aedteisendit Eestis leitud vaid korra kasvuhoones kasvavana, kuid tema olemasolu meie aedades ei saa välistada.


Sageli aedades kasvavat püramiid-soomussirmikut (rohkem tuntud soomus-harisirmikuna) peeti varemgi mittesöödavaks, kuid siiski oli ja on inimesi, kes seda seent söövad. Praegustel andmetel on püramiid-soomussirmik mürgine, põhjustades mao- ja soolenähtudega mürgistusi.

Macrolepiota procera

The Parasol Mushroom


( Basidiomycetes > Agaricales > (Lepiotaceae) > Lepiota . . .


Taxonomy in Transition: ... > Agaricales > Lepiotoid Clade (J&V, 1998)


by Michael Kuo


The Parasol Mushroom is one of the more distinctive members of the Lepiota family. Defining features include the little bump in the center of the mature cap; the brownish scales; the slender (not swollen) stem that is covered with small brownish scales; and the distinctive, double-edged ring, which slides freely up and down the stem. The flesh, when sliced and exposed to air, does not turn orangish or pinkish, and the stem does not bruise yellow or reddish when rubbed.


Macrolepiota procera, formerly known as Lepiota procera, is a very good edible, but beginners should be very careful with it, since it superficially resembles the Amanitas. It also has some more closely related poisonous look-alikes, like Chlorophyllum molybdites. Finally, the Parasol Mushroom is one of those for which "allergic reactions" are reported for some people, so caution is in order when experimenting for the first time.




Ecology: Saprobic; growing alone or scattered in woods or at the edges of woods, or in pastures, on trails, and other disturbed ground areas; late summer; distributed primarily east of the Rocky Mountains, but reported from the Southwest and from California.


Cap: 7-25 cm, oval when young, becoming convex to broadly convex in age, with a dark central bump; dry; at first smooth and brownish, soon becoming scaly, the scales brown, the surface below whitish and later grayish or brownish; often shaggy and torn-up at maturity.


Gills: Free from the stem; white when young, sometimes discoloring to pinkish or tan in maturity; close.


Stem: 14-20 cm long; .5-1.5 cm thick; long and slender, with an enlarged base (but not swollen over the lower half, like Leucoagaricus americanus); pale above the ring, below the ring with small brown scales that break up as the mushroom matures, creating zones or sometimes disappearing; with a double-edged ring that moves freely up and down the stem.


Flesh: White throughout, sometimes tinged reddish, but not staining reddish when exposed; soft.


Spore Print: White.


Microscopic Features: Spores 12-18 x 8-12 µ; smooth; broadly elliptical; dextrinoid; with a small pore.


Lepiota procera and Leucoagaricus procerus are synonymus.