veinipunane pilvik

seente abc R

veinipunane pilvik


[Russula obscura.]



Keskmise suurusega või üsna suur, veinikarva punase kübaraga pilvik. Kübar on alguses kumer, vanemana lamedam. Eoselehed on valged või kollakad. Jalg on sile ja valge. Viljaliha on habras, alguses valge, aga vanemana ja kuivades hallikas.


Kasvab okasmetsades sageli juba alates juulikuust. Sageli esinev seen.


Noor seen on mahedama maitsega kui vana. Sobib kasutada eelnevalt kupatamata.


Säilitada võib omas mahlas sügavkülmutatult või viiludena kuivatatult. Kuivatades muutub seen hallikaks.







(,RNFA:1970--2,RNFA:en%26sa%3DN">Russula obscura) e.Russula vinosa)

Welcome to Russulales News!


Welcome to the new Russulales News web-site! It is with great pleasure that we announce that Russulales News, the newsletter published from 1991 to 1996 and dedicated to the study of Russulales is finally back... on the web. We still have a long way to go before we will attain our goal, but at least you will be able to see it grow now...


Some Russulales are known as edible mushrooms since the ancient times. This fresco in Herculaneum depicts some Lactarius species in sect. Deliciosi.

(Photo © Alain Henriot)


With the advent of new web technologies and the improved accessibility of this medium to mycologists all over the world, a website seemed preferable over the distribution of a printed document, especially as the website will offer continuously updated and easily searchable databases.


The information contained in the databases is still incomplete, but we are working hard to complete this and we extend our thanks to the mycologists who have helped in the past or still are helping with this huge task. To see some examples of what kind of information we hope to offer for species, you can try and click here.


This website is no longer the one-man's initiative of the printed Russulales News: it has evolved into a joint effort of an international team of enthusiastic, young mycologists (see 'People'). It hopes to cover all aspects of Russulales worldwide and in the phylogenetic sense of the order: all groups of mushrooms that share a common ancestor with Russula and Lactarius. Indeed, the recent technological progress in systematics confirms the considerable morphological diversity of the various mushrooms that are close to Russula and Lactarius and that are now grouped in the order Russulales (see 'what are russulales'). The mycologists that will keep this website up-to-date, therefore, may have very different interests, these can be with hypogeous as well as with resupinate taxa instead or with the typical agaricoid Russula or Lactarius.